When: Friday, September 20th – Sunday, September 22nd

Where: Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch – Elbert, Colorado

There will be many activities including Giant Jenga, Human, Foosball, Climbing, Drag Race, and many more

There are also other activities like shooting and disability awareness

Call Collin with any questions

Peach Tree Campout

  •  July 26th – 28th

Eric Hait Court of Honor

  • Aug 4th, 5:30 pm
  • Hope Methodist Church

PLC Meeting

  • Aug 4th, 7:00 pm
  • Hope Methodist Church

Court of Honor

  • Aug 8th, 7:00 pm
  • Sundance Pool
  • Swimming will open at 4:00 pm
  • Food will be available at 5:30 pm

Kayak Campout

  • Aug 24th – 25th
  • Kremling

Hike Campout

  • Sept 7-8th
  • To be determined


  • Sept 20 – 22nd
  • Peaceful Valley



WHO: All Scouts, their families, and friends

WHAT: A Court of Honor! We will also be doing a gift exchange so bring gifts!

WHEN: Thursday, May 2nd @ 7 pm

WHERE: Hope Methodist Church

WHY: Cuz Scouting Rocks!


Scouts should be in their best “Class A” uniforms including neckerchiefs, slides, pants/shorts, belts (and patches in correct locations!)


Traditionally following the Court of Honor we have desserts and refreshments in celebration of our Scout’s achievements.

The Troop will provide the refreshments and cake. We ask that each family bring a dessert to share, (this can include fruits & vegetables!)

Families with Scouts or children that have food restrictions or allergies – please ensure that you bring something specifically for your Scout or child.

Looking forward to seeing you all Thursday night to celebrate the hard work and achievements of our Scouts

WHO:  All Scouts in Troop 345, but in particular New Scouts (and their parents)

WHAT:  FUN-damentals! An opportunity to learn about Troop 345 and work on Scout and Tenderfoot Ranks

WHEN: Friday, March 8th starting @ 7 PM sharp; older Scouts please arrive @ 6:30 to set-up!!!

(FUN-damentals will end Saturday, March 9th around noon)

WHERE: Hope United Methodist Church (HUMC), at the SW corner of Belleview and Dayton

WHY:  Cuz Scouting ROCKS!!!


Very Important notes:

Parents of New Scouts are encouraged to participate!!!

-I will need parents to help me supervise the overnight portion of this Event!

-Parents are welcome to join us for a French Toast breakfast Saturday, May 9th @ 8:00

-Parents WILL BE NEEDED to supervise the rotations on Saturday Morning

-A Meeting for Parent’s of New Scouts will be held during the 2nd rotation, starting roughly @ 10:30

This meeting will be run by Veteran Scouters Stacy Landry and Nadia Saindon.

It will cover how Troop 345 functions, how to help your Scout Navigate the Scouting Program, etc

There will be ample time to ask questions, and even meet the Scoutmaster (Me!)

Parent’s please respond to the following questions:

–My Scout will attend FUN-damentals

–My spouse or I (or both) are available to stay overnight @ HUMC

If you answer “Yes” to this question; have you completed Youth Protection Training?

–My spouse or I (or both!) will attend Breakfast Saturday morning

–My spouse or I (or both) will help supervise the rotations on Saturday morning

Please refer to the schedule (attached to this e-mail) for info regarding rotation schedule

–My spouse or I (or both) will be present for the Parent’s Meeting Saturday morning.

Check-out the attachments:

–Schedule/ Agenda; includes assignment of Scouts to various activities

–Packing List

Thank you for your attention to this matter

Please call, text or e-mail regarding questions or concerns

I look forward to seeing all of you for FUN-damentally FUN weekend.

Fundamentals Packing list


WHO: All Scouts, their families and friends

WHAT: A Court of Honor! We will also be doing a gift exchange so bring gifts!

WHEN: Thursday, December 20th @ 7pm

WHERE: Hope Methodist Church

WHY: Cuz Scouting Rocks!


Scouts should be in their best “Class A” uniforms including neckerchiefs, slides, pants/shorts, belts (and patches in correct locations!)


Traditionally following the Court of Honor we have desserts and refreshments in celebration of our Scout’s achievements.

The Troop will provide the refreshments and cake. We ask that each family bring a dessert to share, (this can include fruits & vegetables!)

Families with Scouts or children that have food restrictions or allergies – please ensure that you bring something specifically for your Scout or child.

Looking forward to seeing you all Thursday night to celebrate the hard work and achievements of our Scouts